Grand Master Jong Kil Kang's Philosophy

Grand Master Kang leads his life through discipline and example. People who have taken classes years ago come across his path now and again by chance, at stores and other locations. These people thank him for the classes they have taken, as results of the disciplining techniques of TKD, these children who were once unruly, now live clean and successful lives. These children's parents thank Grand Master Kang for instilling guidance and direction, because these children are now graduates of higher learned education.

In most instances, he shows that the discipline starts in the home. He strongly
believes that his family is a strong example of a direct result of how discipline and
education is achieved. He is very proud of his daughter Nicole, who strives to do
extremely well at everything she puts her mind to; such as school, music and teaching the disciplining techniques of Brother's Taekwondo.

Consistency leads to success.

